Friday, August 24, 2012

Lembas Bread! Nomnom.

Lembas Bread! The nourishing elven snack that fills a grown man; quite filling indeed! Now, that may satiate a  man's hunger, us hobbits though...we tend to eat a lot more than most would imagine. Elevensies anyone?

Here's a test recipe that me love and I made. It may not be perfect but it is quite darn delicious!

2 1/2 cups of Plain Flour (you could also use Semolina Flour if you'd prefer it to be more nourishing ;P)
3 Eggs, well-beaten
8 tbsp/1 stick of Butter
2/3 cup of Milk, or Half & Half
3/4 cup of Wild Honey
1/3 cup of Golden Sugar (optional)
1 cup of Ground Almonds
2 tsp of Orange Flower Water (optional)
1 tsp of Vanilla Extract
1 tsp of Almond Extract
1/2 tsp of Cardanom (optional)
2 Tbsp of Lemon Zest

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Chop butter into Flour, mix until the Flour turns Crumbly. Add the eggs.

3. Add Sugar, Honey, ground Almonds, Extracts, Cardanom, and Lemon Zest into mix.

4. Add Orange Flower Water if using, and Milk/Half & Half. Stir with fork or knead with hands until dough begins to take shape.

5. Begin kneading the Dough, adding more flour if the Dough is still sticky.

6. Roll the dough to about 1/2-1 inch thickness.

7. Cut out 3-4 inch squares. Place unto cookie sheet, lightly Criss-Crossing each square.

8. Bake for about 12 minutes or until lightly Golden.

9. Wrap with  leaf of a Mallorn tree! Or just use a Banana Leaf.

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